Adorable YouTuber Sydney Serena Online Shopping and Try on Haul

Fashion try on hauls are quite a common thing these days. Every other fashion enthusiast influencer is doing a try-on haul. We can all agree that several hauls are out there, especially when it comes to YouTube videos. But again, not every influencer and fashion enthusiast does it right. I can confidently say I have watched close to a thousand try-on hauls, and I can conclude that at this stage, most of them are basic and rather plain; they have just outlived their original, entertaining, engaging aspect. Naturally, that happens when there is so much of something and almost nothing new to see, except maybe a new influencer doing it.
Pardon my ranting; I still like to try on haul videos, but as an ardent love, I want to put everything into context, and if it were in my power, I would call out my influencers to do better. Better? Of cause that can be done. I was watching Sydney Serana's approach to try-on hauls. While everybody has to rely on their body types to spice up the whole experience (and maybe the quality offered by their preferred brand), Sydney gives it an all-rounded approach.
I will leave out the editing part because that is an entirely different talent set. Serena, as a person, Is a good storyteller. And good storytellers can make any topic exciting, and their whole delivery is engaging. Serena starts by helping us explore our intrusive thoughts. Questions like how did you end up shopping that much? What even crosses your mind to justify such purchases? We all know impulse purchases are the fashion enthusiast's biggest weakness. For Serena, her primary reason was to make this video, and for those who care about a planned trip.
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Ah, we got that part covered, so how do we shop? Instead, just mention she got 1 or 2 outfits from X and y brands. She gets the boots on the ground by walking the viewers through her online shopping experience. While at it, like the storyteller she is, she explores some of the experiences and even lets out her intrusive thoughts. Quite engaging? She goes through several brands' websites and even admits that Zara has the worst website (something that even the viewers can relate to). She is done with size selection and all that, and it is a matter of days before she gets her delivery.
On the delivery day, she expresses her excitement and anxiety as it would be very natural for anyone who orders online. We get to see she also experiences anxiety and hopes that she will love what she orders. The try-on process is very natural. A few comments, jokes, and visuals later, she is done. I must admit it is the first time I have viewed a try-on-haul video longer than 10 minutes, and I did not bother to check how much longer I still have left. It has everything to do with how Serena delivers her content.
As for the editing part, that is the whole magic, the sound effect and additions that would complement her confusion moments and even try to show what goes in her mind is the much-needed break from the amateur videos. Quite an investment on her part, but there is a reason watching a drama on cinema could be more fun than witnessing it in real life.